10Duke Scale C++ Client
No Matches
tenduke::se::licensing Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Licensing operations for 10Duke Scale.


namespace  rest
 Low-level services for performing licensing REST-requests.


class  BaseRequest
 High-level licensing client request. More...
class  CheckoutRequest
 High level checkout-request. More...
class  DefaultJWTToLease
 Default implementation of tenduke::se::licensing::JWTToLease. More...
class  DefaultLeases
 Extension of tenduke::se::licensing::SimpleLeases, which adds operation to purge expired leases. More...
class  DefaultLicenseConsumers
 Default implementation of tenduke::se::licensing::LicenseConsumers. More...
class  DefaultLicenseTokenToLease
 Default implementation of tenduke::se::licensing::LicenseTokenToLease. More...
class  DefaultLicensingClient
 Default implementation of tenduke::se::licensing::LicensingClient. More...
class  FluentConsumptionBuilder
 Base class for fluent building of license checkout parameters. More...
class  FluentEndMeteredUse
 Ends metered license use, building the request fluently. More...
class  FluentHeartbeatBuilder
 Base for fluent builder of hearbeat parameters. More...
class  FluentHeartbeatMeteredUse
 Heartbeats metered license use, building the request fluently. More...
class  FluentLicenseCheckout
 Checks out licenses, building the request fluently. More...
class  FluentLicenseHeartbeat
 Heartbeats licenses, building the request fluently. More...
class  FluentLicenseRelease
 Releases licenses, building the request fluently. More...
class  FluentReleaseBuilder
 Base for fluent builder of release parameters. More...
class  FluentStartMeteredUse
 Starts metered license use, building the request fluently. More...
class  HeartbeatRequest
 High level heartbeat-request. More...
class  JWTToLease
 Converts parsed license token into tenduke::se::licensing::Lease. More...
class  Lease
 Lease of a license. More...
class  Leases
 A read-only lease-cache service. More...
class  License
 10Duke Scale license. More...
class  LicenseCheckoutArguments
 Describes one license checkout item. More...
class  LicenseCheckoutError
 Describes error in checkout at license level. More...
class  LicenseCheckoutParameters
 Parameters for license checkout request. More...
class  LicenseCheckoutResponse
 Response from license checkout call. More...
class  LicenseConsumer
 License consumer. More...
class  LicenseConsumerClientBindingStatus
 Result of queries, which describe client bindings. More...
class  LicenseConsumerLicensesStatus
 Response from "describe license consumer licenses". More...
class  LicenseConsumers
 Client for working with license-consumer information. More...
class  LicenseConsumptionClientBinding
 Licenses that are currently known to be associated with a license consuming user using a specific application on a specific device. More...
class  Licensee
 Licensee. More...
class  LicenseFeature
 A license feature. More...
class  LicenseHeartbeatArguments
 Describes single license lease to heartbeat. More...
class  LicenseHeartbeatError
 Describes error in heartbeat at lease-level. More...
class  LicenseHeartbeatParameters
 Parameters for license heartbeat request. More...
class  LicenseHeartbeatResponse
 Response from license heartbeat call. More...
class  LicenseKey
 License key. More...
class  LicenseKeyLicensesStatus
 A REST-entity to describe licenses matching a license key. More...
class  LicenseReleaseArguments
 Describes single license lease to release. More...
class  LicenseReleaseError
 Describes error in license release at lease level. More...
class  LicenseReleaseParameters
 Parameters for license release request. More...
class  LicenseReleaseResponse
 Response from license release call. More...
class  LicenseReleaseResult
 Describes result of release of single license lease. More...
class  LicenseTokenToLease
 Converts license token to tenduke::se::licensing::Lease. More...
class  LicensingClient
 Client for licensing operations. More...
class  LicensingError
 Common base for licensing operation errors (checkout, heartbeat, release). More...
class  LicensingException
 Thrown when something unexpected happened with licensing operations. More...
class  MutableLeases
 Service, which extends the readonly cache tenduke::se::licensing::Leases with maintenance operations. More...
class  ReleaseRequest
 High level release-request. More...
class  SimpleLeases
 Base implementation of tenduke::se::licensing::MutableLeases. More...


typedef ::tenduke::se::licensing::LicenseReleaseParameters EndMeteredUseParameters
 Parameters for end-metered use request.
typedef ::tenduke::se::licensing::LicenseReleaseResponse EndMeteredUseResponse
 Response of "endMeteredUse" request.
typedef ::tenduke::se::licensing::LicenseHeartbeatParameters HeartbeatMeteredUseParameters
 Parameters for "heartbeat metered use" -requests.
typedef ::tenduke::se::licensing::LicenseHeartbeatResponse HeartbeatMeteredUseResponse
 Response from "heart beat metered use" request.
typedef ::tenduke::se::licensing::LicenseCheckoutParameters StartMeteredUseParameters
 Parameters to "start metered use" request.
typedef ::tenduke::se::licensing::LicenseCheckoutResponse StartMeteredUseResponse
 Response from "start metered use" -request.


 String representation "quantity dimension" seats.
 String representation "quantity dimension" use count.
 String representation "quantity dimension" use time.
const char QTY_DIMENSION_NONE [] = "NONE"
 String representation "quantity dimension" none.